Recent Releases:

June 23, 2006
Kevin: A beautifully touching story with a sci-fi twist. It loses half a star because I was able to predict the ending fairly early on Walken was great but Sandler really knocked it out of the park.

May 19, 2006
The Da Vinci Code
Brian: As a fiction movie, the movie was carried out rather well. It was an interesting premise and even for people who are not terribly versed in religion things are explained so people can understand them. It runs a bit long, but the storyline is definitely interesting. If you go into watching it with the mindset of it being a fiction movie instead of believing all of the hype and negative or positive things people have to say about the book and what is true and what is not, your viewing experience will probably be better.

February 17, 2006
Date Movie
Kevin: I love a good spoof movie, however this was not a good spoof movie. Every single joke was forced and completely unbelievable. I felt pity for Alyson Hannigan because she's a wonderful actress but in this movie it was the worst role of her life. Avoid this movie! Go see the Scary Movie series instead.

February 10, 2006
Final Destination 3
Kevin: They could make 20 of these movies and I'd love every single one. The plot is always the same, visions of death mean saving people only to have them die later in even more freakish ways. The fun part is seeing how and when each person meets their end.

January 20, 2006
Underworld: Evolution
Kevin: I'm not really on the Kate Beckinsale bandwagon, something about her just feels fake to me, however the movie as a whole was excellent. I love the storyline, I liked how they gave the history between Marcus, Viktor & Amelia.

December 25, 2005
The Producers
Kevin: Overall the movie proved to be a disappointment. The entire first act was slow and unfunny. Leo Bloom(Broderick) was just plain annoying, and Nathan Lane wasn't much better. The supporting cast on the other hand did a wonderful job, but not enough to make the movie worth seeing.

December 21, 2005
Fun With Dick & Jane
Kevin: The movie had some pretty funny moments but was pretty far from realistic. The cast was perfect, especially Alec Baldwin as the pretentious CEO.

December 14, 2005
King Kong
Brian W.: “King Kong” is entertainment at its finest. We don’t see the island or Kong until about an hour into the film, and I think this was a smart way to do it. What we see for the first hour is the build up to the island. We learn everything we need to about the main characters in the first act, we see a ton of action and, as well as a relationship between Ann and Kong develop, on the island in the second act, and in the third and final act, we return back to NYC where Kong goes apeshit…(get it…”apeshit”…haha…yeah…ok…) destroying everything in his path to find Ann. The CGI looked fantastic, especially when it comes to Kong. It’s all about detail and nothing is left out, even down to every little facial expression. The other CGI creatures included dinosaurs, giant bats, insects and spiders and the very creepy but really cool man-eating worms. The Kong vs. T-Rexes battle was well done and one of the coolest scenes in the movie. Aside from a lot of the awesome action sequences, there are plenty of scenes that scream beauty, Kong and Ann on the mountain top watching the sunset and another poetic scene in NYC where Kong and the girl find a frozen pond in Central Park, and the gorilla is lost in delight as it slides on the ice…my favorite non-action scene. Naomi Watts makes a superb heroine and plays her part perfectly. Jack Black took on a different type of role than he’s used to and I really didn’t see any flaws in his performance. Adrien Brody is a great actor and also did a fine job in his part. Jackson’s directing is superb. “King Kong” is a fantastic action-adventure/romantic story with excellent acting all around by an amazing cast. It’s got everything a moviegoer could ask for. Do not miss this movie.

December 9, 2005
Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe
Kevin: I loved it! It was beautifully done, and in many ways I think is even better than the Lord Of The Rings films. And as far as I could tell they didn't leave anything out from the book. All the little details that I did remember (been like 15 years since I read it) were all in there.

December 2, 2005
Kevin: Charlize is an amazing actress and so very beautiful, why she signed on for this popcorn flick I'm not entirely sure, but she did a great job in the role. The plot was way too predictable and has been done by better movies, see: The Island. Always great to have an appearance by Pete Postlethwaite too.

November 23, 2005
John: The first trailer for Rent looked good, my girlfriend really wanted to see it, and I like music, so I went. I absolutely loved the first half of the movie, with the exception of one scene. I was absolutely ready to come see it again. But then the second half came, and I'll be frank, it got really depressing. It wasn't bad, just depressing. Just something to keep in mind if you want to see a happy musical. Very well done and excellent music.
Kevin: There was times the singing felt a little too forced. But the story was great. The characters were all pretty likeable. There was a couple false endings, which made the movie feel like it lasted 525,600 minutes. Nice cameo from Sarah Silverman too.
Katia: Having seen the Broadway play prior to the movie my opinion will be different than anyone seeing the movie for the first time. I think it is great that we are working towards taking Broadway plays into the theater so everyone has an opportunity to see them, however it is truly unfortunate how this specific story turned out when it moved from a stage play to a screen play. First off, the characters as written by Jonathan Larson are a bunch of kids struggling to survive but when you look at most of the members from the Original Broadway Cast who were old when the play started 10 years ago now they just look ancient and don't make the plot very believable. The second major problem was the casting of Rosario Dawson in a vocally intense role such as Mimi. This character needs to be able to sing, period. I won't even go into her disrespectful rendition of "Out Tonight" at the Kit Kat Club. There were a couple other things that bothered me, what songs they chose to kept vs which ones they axed completely. They opt'd to "speak" a lot of lines or put in new comentary that just left the audience laughing when moments were meant to be serious. Towards the end I felt like I had just sat at a never ending music video, not a story that discusses many common and disturbing topics of the century. I highly recommend that anyone who finds this story interesting or powerful (which it is) take the time to go see the Broadway Cast perform at the Nederlander in New York, a truly enjoyable adaptation of Jonathan Larson's fantastic story.

November 18, 2005
Walk The Line
Kevin: This movie was brilliantly done. It's like you really are seeing Johnny Cash on the screen! Reese did an okay job, though I never really got into her role, I was never able to get past that it was Reese. My only other disappointment was that the movie glazed over the last 30 years, only using brief text footnotes at the end where there was a lot to still cover during those 30 years. But the story that was told, was told perfectly. I recommend it to everyone.
Joey: If there is a just world, Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon will get Oscar nominations for their wonderful portrayals as Johnny Cash and June Carter. This is a great movie, a bit slow at times, but it's a wonderful biopic.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Joey: This was a little bit of a disappointment. It was still a very good film, I just had my hopes set a little bit too high. The acting was great, but it was just too scrunched together to be enjoyable.

November 11, 2005
Chicken Little
Brian W.: This could possibly be the cutest film of the year. The story is pretty good; although I’ve heard that it deviates from the original. I don’t know much about that, but I enjoyed it. Aside from the whole “the boy who cried wolf”-ish story, it's really about the broken relationship between Chicken Little and his dad, a very familiar father/son set-up in which both love each other but rarely discuss their true feelings. There’s plenty of humor written in as well. Great casting for the voice-over as well. Over all, “Chicken Little” is a fun, cute, funny, and heart-warming CGI animated movie. Children will love it and adults should definitely dig it.

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( 2005 )

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